No games from 2/25-3/4 due to Mardi Gras



Now Hiring!

Do you have experience running sports leagues, setting up fields for play, or officiating?

Then we might have a spot for you on our team! We hire year-round, so check out the job descriptions below and apply today! 



About: Referees are the backbone of our leagues, an extension of our operations department, and the way we bring to life the experience that we exist to offer.

Qualifications: Applicants must have solid knowledge of the sport(s) they are interested in, confidence with the rules of our leagues with the ability to accurately interpret them in the moment, and a high level of focused attention.


Responsibilities: First and foremost, refs are responsible for officiating games with confidence, integrity and consistency. They maintain good rapport with teams by kindly enforcing league rules and policies in order to help maintain the high-quality, positive-energy events for which we have come to be known. Refs ensure games stay on schedule and each night. Depending on the league, they may also help with setup, breakdown, and managing game equipment, checking rosters, collecting substitute fees, and filling out injury reports.



About: Game Coordinators are the on-site point of contact for all players, an extension of our operations department and customer service. They are integral players in game organization and Club communication.

Qualifications: Applicants must be personable, love meeting people, and be great with names. They must have a love of sports and a solid knowledge of the sport(s) they are interested in. Game Coordinators should have prior experience in running leagues, including setting up/breaking down fields, managing team rosters, payments, etc. Game coordinators are organized, punctual, take initiative, and make decisions in tense situations.

Responsibilities: At the field, Game Coordinators are responsible for field setup and breakdown, greeting players, listening to player feedback and suggestions, answering questions, helping to ensure games stay on schedule, monitoring team rosters, substitute payments, and team shirts. They are responsible for maintaining the on-site inventory of game equipment, (or picking up and dropping off from storage location), taking charge on duties related specifically to that league (turning on lights, key management, etc.). After each night, Game Coordinators are responsible for completing the Coordinator Game Report (scores, player issues, facility issues, etc.). They can provide insights in ways to adjust league rules and improve leagues overall. In general, they maintain the high-quality, positive-energy events for which we have come to be known.
Special Events: Throughout the year, we also host various other events: field days, tournaments, etc.  If you can't commit to a full season of work, but would like to be contacted when these special events arise, fill out an application on this page and make note of your limited availability.

Staff Application

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